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Autism Awareness brought to the big screen with Jack Of The Red Hearts

Teenage con artist Jacquelyn ticks a desperate mother into hiring her as a live-in companion for her autistic daughter. Directed by the mother of a child diagnosed with autism, Janet Grillo, Jack of the Red Hearts provides insight into the daily struggles of living with autism and shatters harmful misconceptions about the issue that would see it as something to be 'cured' or a debilitating factor.

We love this film's ability to touch many far and wide. Jack of the Red Hearts is a powerful tool for spreading understanding and empathy about an issue that affects approximately 230,000 Australians each and every day.

"This isn't Rain Man, it's better!" - Peter Keough, Boston Globe

'The Director/Writer has so eloquently depicted the cycle of denial, overwhelming exhaustion, depression, guilt, unintended sibling exclusion, sacrifice and separation that all come part and parcel of living with a beautiful child with autism." Heidi Creed, mother of Isaac.

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